Scripting News õhtusöök Amsterdamis


Tehes selle hooaja viimast tele-Tehnokratti käisin nädalavahetusel Amsterdamis, kus said kokku webloggerid — sündmuseks Dave Winer’i ( — muuhulgas jookseb nende softi peal kogu “” ja “”) ja Evan Williams’i ( sattumine sinnakanti. Parim pildiline ülevaade nähtavasti Andreal’t (kes sai minult ka Tehnokrati ja FeedRead’i logodega tõhh-särgi, tõsi küll, olemata seejuures ainus). Loe ka: ScriptingNews, class6f… (nojah, ja vaata järgmisel esmaspäeval Tehnokratti kah — vahest õnnestub meil isegi saatesse suruda jupp, kus Pets (kaamera) & Peter Ford (mikrofon) intervjueerivad meid assisteerima tulnud briti vutihulle). Ahjah, Dave ja Evan olid Europas seoses üritusega millel nimeks Reboot. Nende esinemised leiad siit.

Postitatud rubriiki Arhiiv, Foorum. Talleta püsiviide. Kommenteerimine ja trackback-viidete lisamine ei ole lubatud.

3 Kommentaarid

  1. Peter Ford
    Lisatud 28. mai 2001 kell 21:20 | Püsiviide

    Hi Peeter,

    It’s been a great challenge trying to translate your blog :-). It was really cool to meet you and I’ll never forget our impromptu interview with the 10 drunken British tourists :-) Let’s keep in touch. I’m really interested to see how blogging might develop in Estonian education.

    Thanks for the T-shirt too!



    Ps For another slant on the evening check out my blog

  2. Andrea Frick
    Lisatud 28. mai 2001 kell 22:35 | Püsiviide


    of course I don’t understand a word of your posting…

    Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet you. And thank you very much for the T-shirt!

    It would be great if you could announce when the interviews will be broadcast and where they are available on the web in English. I suspect that this is about weblogs and the interviews you did on Saturday, but that’s about all I was able to find out.



  3. Peeter Marvet
    Lisatud 29. mai 2001 kell 06:05 | Püsiviide

    Well, it really happens that almost everything I write is in Estonian… But I’ll let you know if anything becomes available on the web (or if I get anything out of my English weblog ;-). And Andrea — you are absolutely right, this is what we use as an extranet for Tehnokratt on TV…